e e cummings birthday, park path autumn wallpaper, fashion as disguise

Today is the birthday of e e cummings (Edward Estlin Cummings) October 14, 1894 – Cambridge, Massachusetts, died September 3, 1962.


Over silent waters
day descending
night ascending
floods the gentle glory of the sunset
In a golden greeting
splendidly to westward
as pale twilight
comes the last light’s gracious exhortation
Lifting up to peace
so when life shall falter
standing on the shores of the
May I behold my sunset
over silent waters

By way of the book Eight Harvard Poets and Project Gutenberg.

birds on a wire

There is a lot of merit in the old adage that sons, or daughters, should not be held accountable for the sins of their father. Not your fault if you were born from an asshat. That said, Tagg Romney was set up in business by his father and has an active roll in his campaign, Tagg Romney’s Company Misled Reporters About Its Relationship With Ponzi Scheme–Linked Firm

When I interviewed him in Las Vegas, Tagg told me that his associates were “cleared” of any wrongdoing associated with the Stanford Ponzi scheme. Court documents directly contradict Tagg and show that the lawsuit has not been dismissed.

The New York Times followed up on my story with its own report and confirmed that Tagg’s business partners received incentive pay for selling bunk Stanford CDs. They wrote about one Stanford victim, a local Charlotte businessman and philanthropist named Herman Stone. Stone was pressured by Brandon Phillips, an executive working now for Tagg’s firm, into putting $2 million into a fraudulent Stanford CD and lost everything.

There also that old saying about like father like son. Tagg seems to have the same elitist looter world view as his father. Since it is generally true that rich white folks do not go to jail – there are occasional exceptions – Tagg will never be held to account in the criminal justice system. Hopefully those he defrauded may have some luck through civil action.

old park path autumn wallpaper

Publishing: A very public library. A New York City tech start-up wants to create a Spotify-like service for reading. A place where you can borrow books? The idea is that you check out an electronic book for an annual fee and you can pretty much keep it as long as you need to finish reading it. The author would be compensated by some amount for every time a book is checked out. The full story does note that musicians have not been thrilled by a similar arrangement with Spotify.

Anecdotes of Fashion or how throughout history men and women have used fashion to torture themselves and hide flaws.

If a reigning beauty chanced to have an unequal hip, those who had very handsome hips would load them with that false rump which the other was compelled by the unkindness of nature to substitute. Patches were invented in England in the reign of Edward VI, by a foreign lady, who in this manner ingeniously covered a wen on her neck. Full-bottomed wigs were invented by a French barber, one Duviller, whose name they perpetuated, for the purpose of concealing an elevation in the shoulder of the Dauphin. Charles VII. of France introduced long coats to hide his ill-made legs. Shoes with very long points, full two feet in length, were invented by Henry Plantagenet, Duke of Anjou, to conceal a large excrescence on one of his feet.

Ken Burns: Romney’s war on public TV is a loss for USA. PBS is mostly self supporting and accounts for about .01% of the federal budget. About the same amount of money Rush Limbaugh spends on bacon, which is 100% more than Jonah Goldberg spends on fact checkers for his columns and books.